Malcolm Bollen

Malcolm Bollen

Living in this particular slice of paradise, it is impossible not to have some creative stirrings, and I’ve tried with variable success to capture a sense of mood and movement in my painting. I’m a local GP and have no history of art training. I have an unhelpful...
Leslie Cleary

Leslie Cleary

Leslie Cleary love’s to create paintings that enable people to continuously enjoy their favourite NZ coastal landscapes. Specialising in commissions, she paint’s scenes from dawn to dusk of clients’ favourite views from images taken of the area. Working...
Andy Harrison

Andy Harrison

Andy graduated with a BA and an MA in Fine Art painting from the UK. He relocated to New Zealand in 2021 and continues his artistic practice from his studio in Whangarei. Interest within the following areas continue to provide a substantial amount of inspiration on...
Pat Owens

Pat Owens

I have probably painted most of my life with lapses from marriage, children, farming, competitive masters swimming, then ocean swimming and sailing the Islands of the Pacific, which I really enjoyed. That’s where the influence of sea life comes through. I have...
Trish Parkin

Trish Parkin

I was born in Inglewood, a small town in Taranaki and my initial artistic inspiration was my mother who was a keen artist, amateur but encouraging. I moved to Auckland and over the last few years have been able to rekindle the interest, initially with watercolour and...