Michelle Devine

Michelle Devine

Coming from a family where my mother was a seamstress and my grandmother was known as ‘The Quilt lady of Tauranga it isn’t strange that I too would be a crafter. From a young age I have had a go at most home crafts, including knitting, crocheting, tatting,...
Agnes Hauptli

Agnes Hauptli

I am a self taught weaver that first started playing on a rigid heddle loom in 1992 as a hobby. I have been in love with this craft ever since and became a passionate Fibreholic! Over the years the big living room in my 140 year old Victorian type house filled itself...
Wendy Naepflin

Wendy Naepflin

I am a full time harakeke (NZ flax) weaver and avid forager. I love to let the harakeke inspire me as part of my art making process. Many of my original pieces reflect my passion for our natural world and I try to use as many natural resources as possible. My weaving...
Jos Polman

Jos Polman

The world of fibres and fabric is fascinating. An archeological dig in Georgia resulted in a find of flax fibres dating back 34,000 years. Many peoples all around the world developed ways of creating cloths for purposes probably not different than what we use cloth...
Sharon Thompson

Sharon Thompson

I have lived at Whangarei Heads for many years.  In that time I have worked in a textile business, pursued a Bachelor of Visual Applied Arts in multi-media and had a teaching career in Screen printing, Design/Drawing & Creative Art Wear for fashion students. “Art...